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Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 04 September 2018 09:36.
Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza died at age 96 (at a meeting in 2010. Photo: Luca Giarelli CC-BY-SA 3.0).
Medium, “The man who tried to catalog humanity”, 2 Sept 2018:
Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza chased Darwin’s dream of a tree of humankind
Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza, known simply as “Luca” to generations of human geneticists, died this week at age 96. More than any other human geneticist, Cavalli-Sforza believed in the potential of genes and culture together to trace humanity’s origins. In the course of his work, he pioneered new ideas and models that brought together these two distinct areas of science.
Like most scientists, many of his ideas would turn out to be wrong in the details. But his work helped form the foundation of our current knowledge of human genome variation across the world.
In 1991, Cavalli-Sforza wrote an essay for Scientific American that explained the course of his life’s work to that point. He recollected a time as a young man when he worked in the Cambridge laboratory of Ronald A. Fisher, one of the founders of modern evolutionary theory.
“I started thinking about a project so ambitious it seemed almost crazy: the reconstruction of where human populations originated and the paths by which they spread throughout the world.”
From his start working with microbes this idea was quite a massive leap. But he chose a lucky moment to enter the field of human genetics. During the 1950s, the nascent field was starving for data on how human variation connected to inheritance. New approaches were about to provide such data, along with new opportunities to understand the evolution of recent populations.
Anthropologists understood human variation by looking at traits like the shape of the skull. Such traits could be examined with complicated math, but geneticists needed simpler systems to start to unlock how human genes might vary. Some of the earliest-known examples of Mendelian inheritance were genetic disorders, and while these were very important, they were also very rare, meaning that they could not be broadly informative about normal human variation.
But a handful of traits, many of them invisible variations like blood types, likewise showed a Mendelian inheritance pattern. Postwar geneticists developed ways to test people for these traits, making it feasible to sample distant populations, at first by typing blood or carrying out simple tests like the ability to taste the bitter chemical phenylthiocarbamide, and later with electrophoresis of proteins in the laboratory.
These variations became known as “classical markers”. All of them obeyed Mendel’s laws of inheritance, making it possible for geneticists to use mathematics to understand how their frequencies might change over time. Geneticists traveled to the four corners of the globe, gradually building maps of the frequencies of blood types and other classical markers. No one really knew how old the blood groups were, or how long ago the differences between human populations might have arisen. But they could see big differences: Some populations had almost no type B blood, for example, while other populations had quite a lot of it. Until the 1980s, classical markers would remain the state of the art evidence of human genetic variation.
Cavalli-Sforza first made his mark in his native Italy, traveling to villages in the Parma Valley to sample blood. He worked to understand how inbreeding within these small towns was connected to the slight differences in frequency of blood groups. With several coworkers, he scoured church records of marriages and births, tracing the times when people moved between villages as well as the number of children they had. Tracing these multiple lines of evidence, he could show that consanguineous marriages, or inbreeding, were the main drivers of genetic differences between these small towns. In doing so, he provided some of the earliest evidence that humans were still being affected by genetic drift, the random change in gene frequencies that happens in small populations.
Cavalli-Sforza realized that if genetic drift could explain the gene frequencies in small Italian towns, it might have affected humanity over a much deeper past. Genetic drift was a force that over long periods of time tended to drive populations slowly apart, inexorably diverging in gene frequencies. Applied to a group of populations over long periods of time, genetic drift would form a tree.
It was during this period that Cavalli-Sforza began collaborating with the statistical geneticist A. W. F. Edwards, developing ways to reconstruct evolutionary trees from gene frequencies. The statistical methods used measures of distance, computed from the frequencies of several genes across populations, and they generated a new picture of human origins.
From Cavalli-Sforza 1966, “Population structure and human evolution.”
Here, the branches of humanity came into focus. American Indians, Asians, and Oceanians on one broad branch, Europeans and Africans on the other.
The tree looks very different from our understanding today, which places African populations as the most diverse elements of humanity, not a minor twig. It is worth noting why Cavalli-Sforza’s early trees turned out to be wrong. Blood groups were first discovered and studied in people of European descent, meaning that African variation was not fully included by looking at the traits that vary in Europe. These five loci in particular include several that reflect natural selection, especially the Fy, or Duffy, locus, which approaches fixation in many sub-Saharan populations. Today, using whole genome sequences, it is clear that the deepest branches of human population trees are African.
But more important, the tree illustrates an enormous limitation of the classical markers. The frequencies of a few genes simply do not provide enough information to tell when and how much mixture may have happened among the populations. Cavalli-Sforza, drawing upon his work in the Parma Valley, and later work with Pygmies in central Africa, was willing to assume that migration and mixture were rare. In his model genetic drift, not gene flow, was the main force driving human evolution. Natural selection happened, too, but with patterns that might be recognized by comparing to the predictions of genetic drift alone.
Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 30 August 2018 08:43.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor #Orban met today in #Italy with the Italian Minister of Interior, Matteo #Salvini.
The two announced that they will form an alliance uniting all anti-immigration forces in Europe ahead of next year’s election to the European Parliament.
Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban met with the Italian Minister of The Interior, Matteo Salvini today, as they seek a solution to the European Union immigration crisis. At the press conference, the two leaders announced that they will form an anti-immigration front ahead of next year’s elections to the European Parliament.
Victor Orban didn’t hide the fact that the Italian Minister of Interior has made a huge impression on him. Salvini has earlier made a name for himself as one of the most ardent opponents of the EU’s open door immigration policy.
Orban: “I would like to get to know him personally. He is my hero and my companion of destiny. I’m a great admirer and I feel that I have some experiences that I could share with him.”
According to Orban, the people who control European institutions, such as the The European Commission and The European Parliament, need to be replaced if the EU’s immigration policy is to be changed.
Orban: “The European elections are coming-up in May. We want to change a lot, but for that to happen, we need a new European Parliament and a new European commission which will start to protect Europe’s borders.”
Salvini announced that he wants to join forces with Orban ahead of the elections in order to shape The European Union’s new immigration policy.
Salvini: “We have been working for weeks with Germany to find a solution to the issue of immigrants who arrived in Italy and then went to Germany. The most important thing for us is that Italy will not take any new migrants.
Obran stressed that Italy’s quest to stop migrants is vital to the whole of Europe.
Orban: Salvini is very popular in Hungary since he has shown that it is possible to stop migrants from crossing the sea. Out of all Mediterranean countries, Italy is the only one to have done it. Salvini is the first, and Europe’s security depends upon his success.”
Viktor Orban has been in opposition to the immigration policy favored by The European Commission and Angela Merkel for years; lately, he has gained allies, such as Poland and Italy.
Socially constructing the non-social construction of right-wing, “politically incorrect objectivity.”
Cole-Stein is going to talk about how the porn-industry is “the last refuge of political incorrectness”, how “unlike the ‘Leftist’ controlled media, it simply and objectively caters to the desires of its ‘fan-base.”
Robert Stark: This-is-Robert-Stark. I am joined here with-uh, David Cole. Uh David, great having you back on the show.
David Cole-Stein: It’s a pleasure to be back, Robert! It really is. I enjoyed our first go-round and I’m looking forward to doing it again.
Robert Stark: And I’m also joined here with my ‘Alt-of-Center’ co-host, ah, Mathew Pegus.
Stark seems to provide/be provided with a different kosher co-host every few shows or so.
Mathew Pegus: Great to be here Robert. Thank you for having me.
David Cole-Stein: Speaking of ‘Alt’, I want to apologize to you, Robert; because I know, a couple months ago in one of my Taki-Mag pieces, I kind-of mischaracterized you in my description of you ...and you were very polite about it, you were very nice about it; but I don’t like when I do that, because, number one, I don’t like to make errors in print, but also I don’t like it when people mischaracterize me or affix labels to me that I don’t want or don’t deserve. So I want to just apologize to get things started here, one on one here: I’m very sorry - I think I called you “Alt-Righty.” ...and uh..
Robert Stark: Or like “Extreme Alt-Right” or “Hard-Core Alt-Right.” ...(chuckles)
David Cole-Stein: Uh, Ok. Yeah, rub it in! Go ahead! That, that, here - here’s a man trying to like, grovel; and you take that salt and you rub-it right in! Yes, I made a grievous error, a grievous error! and I apologize for it.
Robert Stark (chuckles): So uh, lets start with your recent article, “Lessons From My Porn-Girl” ..and just as kind of an overall theme, is how pornography is the one area in our culture where one is allowed to be ah, politically incorrect. So by-basically to start things off, by ‘porn-girl’ you’re referencing this woman that you used to know…
David Cole-Stein: Well, a woman who lived with me. A woman whose porn-name is Kirsten Lee; ah, her real name is Kera. That - I’m not outing anybody, she has, she has outed herself. So this is not me, ah doing anything (coughs) like outing or doxxing. Kera lived with me for almost two years and was pretty much my partner in crime. She was twenty one when I uh, met her and uh…and I, basically, my role in her life was to try to help her out of the porn-biz. It’s a business that has never interested me but it was fascinating during that first year that she and I were together before she got out of it because by the second year she was fully out. You know the, the amazing thing about a porn girl is that once you give them free rent and utilities and food, ah they no longer feel the need to seek money; ah and well, they can just get right out of porn at that point - it’s really a miraculous formula; uh, they, they, once they don’t have any needs or bills to pay or anything like that, well getting out of porn seems pretty simple at that point.
The White Left will emphasize this point of social safety net to help prevent mud-sharkery in the first place.
Robert Stark: So, you-you touch on the theme of how pornography is the one, the one uh, aspect of media where politically incorrect content is uh, not only tolerated but promoted; and garners massive amounts of hit-counts in profits. What was the specific case with her and her ah, politically incorrect attitudes about sexual relations in porn.
Cole-Burner Stain
David Cole-Stein
David Cole-Stein: Well I, um, I was amazed, really quite amazed by the people I mixed with during that first year while she was still knee deep, neck deep in the business. Uh, on racial matters, the kind of stuff that is the most taboo for the rest of us to talk about, on racial matters porn is just insanely honest. I’m not affixing a good or bad label to it, or healthy or unhealthy - just saying its incredibly honest: White girl comes in and White girl says, “I’m not going to blow an N-word”, and uh, and the producers of porn companies are like, ‘great, you don’t do the N-word porn’. Um, Kera, my porn-girl, made most of her money doing interracial stuff, because since she was so young and very thin and kind of pristine for lack of a better word; uh, it was kind of rare to have a White girl like that do interracial because ah, normally it was the older women who put on a few pounds who’d do the interracial; uh, but for a blond girl, blue eyes, twenty one years old and looking like she’s just come right-off the fiords, it was, she made a great-deal of money at that.
Note that Cole-Stein is marking a transition, there was a time when this didn’t happen, or not much among working class women and certainly not much in the public space. It is not a time in memorial truth of societal behavior; and it’s not as if it is a sheer discovered fan base - but he’s normalizing and institutionalizing it as a given fact apart from negotiative components of societal incentive - particularly, money and a Jewish anti-White agenda.
His argument - “a fan base”, as in, “this is what people agentively want” - is up against the involuntary high contrast tropism and need to gauge genetic distance and competition, not a mere expression of a ‘fan base’ catered-to. As a high contrast tropism, it is simply harder to ignore highly contrasting sounds and sights such as interracial; and the genetic call to grapple with the incitement to competition and deal with its vast, destructive genetic distance. It doesn’t necessarily mean this is what people want. Furthermore, there are elective, i.e., not merely catered-to, non-interracial taboos that are very popular also which can serve as an antidote to the destructive effects of this “catered-to” tropism.
David Cole-Stein (continues): But yet in her private life, she would never do interracial. That was the thing that fascinated me most was how she was able to compartmentalize the racial thing. When she’s at work and she gets $8,000 to go down on a black dude, well that’s just work, she just does it. And then when we’re out in club and some black guy tries to hit on her and maybe comment on her porn, and she’ll let loose just a stream of expletives, ah ‘you friggin’ N-word’, ‘you N-word this and N-word that’ (Stark giggles) uh, there’s, huh, in her mind, its just, hey, I’m at work, I’m at work and my work right now is blowin’ a black guy; and then when we’re out at a club later that night - hey, this is my private time, I don’t want to talk to a black guy…so..
It’s at work, ‘it’s ok then’. As with Hannah Arendt, he is shifting an ethnic basis for discrimination to the abstract, individual basis of “public and private.” He is trying to create a distancing effect, ‘this is play’ - to create a distancing effect from the actual participation of the actresses.
David Cole-Stein (continues): But the whole industry was just sort of honest that way. Ah, most of the women, would - including black girls too and the Latino girls - they were just very honest, ‘cuz you can talk about race in porn in a way that you can’t in real life. It’s, I make the point in my article - where else in American society right now can pay-scale be determined by your race? I mean, if any other business, if Amazon were to say, ‘we’re going to be paying uh, White programmers more than uh, Asian ones’, well of course it would be a huge thing and I’m not advocating that at all. But in porn, White girls who are willing to do black guys make more; uh, White girls who only want to do other White girls make the least. Because that’s, that’s, hell, any White girl will kiss another White girl these days, that’s ...in my day that was barely titillating and I think everyone kind of does that now.
So.. and then the Mexican dudes, there were some Arab dudes - and they get paid different based on race ..eh that doesn’t happen anywhere else. I mean, its kind of astounding when I was looking at it. I spent years writing about racial politics and racial law and discrimination laws. And I’m like, wow, this, this is the wild-west, this is a part of the entertainment industry - and a profitable one - that has yet to be touched by that Leftist hand of politically correct social justice bullshit.
In the German city of Chemnitz, a 23 year-old Syrian and a 22 year-old Iraqi are under suspicion of murdering a 35 year-old German and wounding two others during a city festival by stabbing them multiple times after – according to eye witnesses – the trio came to aid a woman who was being harrassed by the migrants, while the police issued a statement where they denied the circumstances and instead told the media that they were among a quarrel of some 10 men which turned violent. The Syrian and the Iraqi have since been in detention awaiting trial.
The events triggered a spontaneous demonstration, where about 1,000 people gathered by the Karl Marx monument by Sunday evening to mourn the victim of yet another stabbing. In the very same day, state-sponsored TV channel ARD released a summer interview with Chancellor Angela Merkel, in which she said that “she is the Chancellor of the refugees”.
On Monday, several groups called on the people of Chemnitz to gather for a funeral march and to show solidarity with the victims. Some claim that 12,000 people showed up, others are saying that there were 8,000. Still, the masses were screaming “Merkel must go” and “resistance”.
Of course, the mainstream media were quick to label the demonstrations as “far-right protests”, using the misbehaviour of a small number of protesters to discredit the whole movement. People who actually attended the demonstration and were among the masses show that most of the claims of the press are false. This is the core of the German people finally standing up for themselves and not “far-right extremists” as the mass media labels them.
The New York Times has reported that #MeToo Leader, Asia Argento, molested a boy actor and paid him a $380,000 settlement to shut up.
NY Times, “Asia Argento, a #MeToo Leader, Made a Deal With Her Own Accuser,” 19 Aug 2018:
Ms. Argento quietly arranged to pay $380,000 to her own accuser: Jimmy Bennett, a young actor and rock musician who said she had sexually assaulted him in a California hotel room years earlier, when he was only two months past his 17th birthday. She was 37. The age of consent in California is 18.
That claim and the subsequent arrangement for payments are laid out in documents between lawyers for Ms. Argento and Mr. Bennett, a former child actor who once played her son in a movie.
…Ms. Argento, who is divorced and has two children, was both a mentor and a mother figure to Mr. Bennett, the document says, and the two were intermittently in contact as he grew up. “Jimmy’s impression of this situation was that a mother-son relationship had blossomed from their experience on set together,” Mr. Sattro wrote.
The Italian actress and director Asia Argento was among the first women in the movie business to publicly accuse the producer Harvey Weinstein of sexual assault.
Interlocutor: It’s a kind of utopia, just the fact that the whole world will mix-up with each other; that in, I don’t know, seventy or eighty years, there will be no White people any more; only cappuccino colored. (((Anthony Bourdain))): That’s the only way. That’s the only solution. It’s our only hope, our way out of this. It’s going to take some time but it’s really the only way.
She became a leading figure in the #MeToo movement. Her boyfriend, the culinary television star Anthony Bourdain, eagerly joined the fight.
Diversity Macht Frei, “Asia Argento is one of Italy’s most prominent ‘do-gooders’. She regularly makes public interventions in favour of ‘migrants’ or liberal politicians or personalities. Here, for example, when Marine Le Pen celebrates the Lega and Matteo Salvini coming to power in Italy, Asia Argento attacks her for it.
Marine Le Pen:
Bravo to the coalition of Matteo Salvini and the Lega which is finally forming the new Italian government. It’s a victory for democracy over the intimidations and threats of the European Union…
While “#Me-Too” Rose McGowan’s star has shown through the ranks of “flirty fishing”, a Christian cult that advocated sexual seduction, including of minors to draw new adherents; and fellow #Me-Tooer, Annabella Sciarra, has starred in “Jungle Fever;” now #Me-Tooer Asia Argento seeks her place among dark actualization with a starring role as Nimrod’s mother.
Asia Argento, girlfriend of (((Anthony, “only blending all of us to cappuccino color will save the world” Bourdain))) before he hanged himself; and also of “Me-too - I’ve been sexually assaulted by (((Harvey Weinstein)))” notoriety - has been brought up on charges for sexually assaulting a minor. While the charge alleges that he was barely illegal (17) when she invited him to her hotel room, plied him and blew him, it is also the case that she’s known him since age seven when she wrote, directed and starred in a movie with him where she played his (troubled) mother, and he, a child rape victim whom she encouraged to cross dress. Finally, she paid him $380,000 to sign a non-disclosure agreement of the case in reality (but it didn’t even work, lol. Sometimes bad things do happen to bad people).
Asia, ‘Nimrod’s Mother,’ Argento; Rose, through the ranks of the ‘Flirty Fisher’ cult, McGowan; and Annabella, “Jungle Fever,” Sciarra (back right)
Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 22 August 2018 02:21.
“Sad she’s dead, but”...
Washington Examiner, “Elizabeth Warren on the Tibbetts murder: Sad she’s dead, but ‘we have to remember’ we need an immigration system that ‘focuses on where real problems are”, 22 Aug 2018:
Sen. Elizabeth Warren is sorry that a 20-year-old Iowa student is dead and that a reported illegal alien has been charged in the killing, but the Massachusetts Democrat wants to stay focused on the “real problems.”
This isn’t a paraphrase of something she said Wednesday on CNN. This is her actual response to a question about reports that law enforcement agents have charged Cristhian Bahena Rivera, 24, in the disappearance and murder of Mollie Tibbetts.
“I’m so sorry for the family here, and I know this is hard, not only for the family, but for the people in her community, the people throughout Iowa,” Warren told CNN’s John Berman. “But one of the things we have to remember is: We need an immigration system that is effective. That focuses on where real problems are.”
Berman asking the senator specifically to respond to President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence claiming the Tibbetts murder is proof of the need for stronger immigration enforcement.
Warren continued, saying, “Uh, last month, I went down to the border, and I saw where children had been taken away from their mothers. I met with those mothers, who had been lied to, who didn’t know where their children were, who hadn’t had a chance to talk to their children. And there was no plan for how they’d be reunified with their children.”
Tibbetts’ remains were found early Tuesday morning, according to law enforcement officials. Rivera, who authorities believe has been living in the U.S. illegally for four to seven years, has been charged with first-degree murder. His bail was set Tuesday at $1 million.
“I think we need immigration laws that focus on people who pose a real threat, and I don’t think mammas and babies are the place where we should be spending our resources. Separating a mamma from a baby does not make this country safe,” Warren said.
Trump signed an executive order on June 20 reversing the policy of separating illegal immigrant families. And as to the issue of mothers being separated from their babies, I think Tibbetts’ mother, Laura Calderwood, might have some thoughts on that.
The Washington Examiner’s Phil Klein disagreed Wednesday with the criticisms of Warren, arguing the Massachusetts senator had not really stepped in it with “outrageously tone-deaf” comment.
“I’m no Warren fan, but this strikes me as a stretch. In clip she goes on to say we need to focus on actual threats, and that family separation doesn’t make us safe,” he wrote. “She isn’t saying that a young girl getting killed isn’t a problem.”
I disagree that the negative reaction is a stretch. The criticisms are well-deserved. Her comments follow a clear path. She starts by saying she’s sorry about the Tibbetts murder, and then changes the subject to attack Trump over an immigration policy he rescinded two months ago.
It’s true Warren’s remarks were about the White House’s response to the murder. That doesn’t take away from the “but” in her “I’m sorry someone is dead” response. There should never be a “but” in those statements.